Shipping/Store Policies

Do you sell authentic products?

Yes all the shoes that we sell on our website is 100% authentic. We do not sell fakes, B-grades or Factory Variants.

How long does it take for the shoes to be sent out?

Once the payment has been made we usually ship it within 1-3 business days at most. On certain occasions where long weekends and holidays occur we will ship on the next business day.

How long does it take to arrive?

The item will arrive within 2-5 days depending on your local post office and customs

Does the package come with signature confirmation?

Yes all our packages come with singature confirmation so it is 100% Safe

How are the shoes packaged?

We double box all our shoes so it is guranteed to arrive at your door in good condition

Do you accept refunds

All sales at final on our webstore. Simply because shipping to our customer is very costly and we don't want to lose out on shipping costs. If the product is defected we will gladly exhcange it for you .


  • Shipping and handling fees are non-refundable.
  • Customers will be responsible for shipping cost on all Exchange items and special occasion refunds.
  • We will not be responsible for re shipment fees if the item was bounced back to us
  • We are NOT responsible for customs charges, import taxes and tarrifs